Posts Tagged ‘Howell’s’

I love today’s quotation from a venerable actor/comedian Harvey Fierstein, who’s known his own share of adversity and has come out of it even stronger: “Never be bullied into silence.  Never allow yourself to be made into a victim.  Accept no one’s definition fo your life;  define yourself.” –Harvey  Fierstein 94.7 The WAVE

With every new season, we tend to check in with our “life odometers” and realize that time is, indeed, passing quickly.  That’s why I love today’s quote: “One of the many things that no one tells you about aging is that it’s such a nice change from being young.” So, we add another October to

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Today’s quote comes from musician/composer/arranger/great guy Philippe Saisse, and it’s a good one. “Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.” –Rumi In other words, think more like a child and remember that you don’t know everything and there’s a world of things to learn about out there! Thanks, Philippe. 94.7 The WAVE